A simplified resource for students to understand what they need to do to meet the assessment criteria. Often used as a page within an assessment folder.
The traditional weeping woman has been manipulated and now every segment of her geometric form requires a pattern or mark making to complete the study!
A simplified visual resource to help students to help understand what skechbook/ boards are required for their personal portfolio project and how they connect and feed in to each other.
Using the grid method, students can work box by box to build up the shoe structure. A simple marking tab allows for quick and easy assessment by simply highlighting the success criteria.
A fun and engaging way to get students to think about analysing Art. The grid is used to help promote discussion points, using dice to decide which question to talk about.
Students explore the meaning of onomatopoeia and must create a comic strip series using different words explored during the starting task. These words must be illustrated to reflect how the word may look as it sounds.
A fantastic project homework if you are looking for students to get practical and hands on. The resource includes various examples on how to approach the junk bug idea and different materials that can be used that are easily accessible to find and incorporate. I often give students the chance to pair up with a friend and allocate 3/4 for completion.
A creative and engaging homework project in which students research an artist of their choice (or one of the suggested) and design a miniature scale bedroom imagining how their room may look. Examples included. Often works best when students are given the opportunity to work in pairs.
Students can explore tone and texture using the testing chart before putting their skills into practice bringing the cactus to life through an observational drawing